Introduction of KB spider crane
  • Date: 2023.06.14
  • View: 6

Spider crane is a kind of miniature crawler lifting equipment widely used in construction sites such as construction, machinery and electric power. The following editor will introduce the functions, advantages, development history and safety protection devices of the KB spider crane.




1. Function: KB spider crane has good flexibility and portability, and can adapt to different usage needs through the configuration and combination of lifting height and lifting weight. The 80cm vehicle width can help the spider crane reach narrow or crowded areas, so it is often used in job sites with narrow spaces and complex requirements.
2. Advantages: Compared with other cranes, the advantages of spider cranes are obvious. First, due to its special structure and low-emission engine, it can be operated in narrow or high-rise buildings, avoiding the impact on the surrounding environment. Secondly, the spider crane also has a more flexible working radius and boom rotation angle, making it suitable for various narrow and crowded environments.
3. Development history: Spider cranes have a long history of development in my country. Since the introduction in the 1990s, the design and manufacturing technology and quality of spider cranes have been continuously improved, and now they have been widely used in my country. It has been more than ten years since the establishment of KB spider crane. Over the past few years, KB crane has been deeply involved in technology research and development and product quality, striving to be safe and scientific, and escorting every project.
4. Safety protection: In terms of safety devices, KB spider cranes adopt various protection measures to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. For example, overload protection, height limiter, outrigger loss of pressure protection, to avoid potential safety hazards caused by vehicle overload and excessive deviation of the vehicle arm. At the same time, it is also equipped with advanced safety equipment such as torque controller, winch anti-overwinding protection device, and intelligent monitoring device to ensure the safety and stability of the spider crane.

KB spider crane is a multi-functional, efficient, flexible and safe miniature lifting equipment. KB crane will continue to deepen the technical research and development of spider crane, continuously improve product performance and quality, and provide customers with the highest quality and safest products.

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